Co-design Storyboard template

Co-design Storyboard

This board helps support the first stage of idea generation for co-designing online or blended courses.

The storyboard is composed of learning types cards, digital methods cards and an expandable grid featuring 3 sets of TLAs or Teaching and Learning Activities. The learning types derive from the Learning Designer tool which is based on Laurillard's Conversational Framework - a model of what it takes to teach and learn.

You can introduce a team to the six learning types using the embedded video and then work through 3 steps to create initial ideas for online or blended courses using the storyboard:

Step 1: start your learning design by dragging learning types cards to the storyboard to represent the learning experiences you want to combine to create your online/blended Teaching and Learning Activities.

Step 2: drag digital methods that correspond to the learning type (identifiable by colour) to the storyboard.

Step 3: adjust the timings (set by default at 15 minutes for each activity).

This is a light touch approach to learning design suitable for the initial ideas stage. After this stage it is recommended to transfer these initial ideas to the Learning Designer tool ( to develop the design.

This template was created by Eileen Kennedy.

Co-design Storyboard

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