Open AI Prompt Engeneering Guide


Open AI Prompt Engeneering Guide

  1. Write Clear Instructions:

    • Be Specific: Clearly articulate your request, as if guiding someone unfamiliar with the task.

    • Format Matters: Choose a format (like bullet points, paragraphs, etc.) and ask the model to follow it.

    • Length Control: Specify whether you want a brief summary or a detailed explanation.

    • Provide Examples: Offer examples of the type of response you're looking for.

    • Use Delimiters: Clearly separate different parts of your input with symbols or headings.

  2. Provide Reference Text:

    • Contextual Information: Give background information or specific details to guide the response.

    • Citation Requirement: If needed, instruct the model to include citations from the reference text.

  3. Split Complex Tasks into Simpler Subtasks:

    • Break Down Tasks: Divide a complex request into smaller, more manageable parts.

    • Sequential Approach: Tackle each part one at a time for better accuracy and coherence.

    • Summarize in Stages: For long inputs, summarize parts individually before creating an overall summary.

  4. Give the Model Time to 'Think':

    • Chain of Thought: Ask the model to explain its reasoning process step by step.

    • Sequential Queries: Build up to the final answer with a series of related questions.

    • Review and Reflect: Instruct the model to reconsider its previous responses for potential improvements.

  5. Use External Tools:

    • Leverage Technology: Utilize specific functions or tools that the model can access for better results.

    • Knowledge Retrieval: Use tools for efficient information gathering, like embeddings-based search.

    • Code Execution: For precise calculations or executing code snippets, use a code execution engine.

  6. Test Changes Systematically:

    • Evaluate Performance: Regularly compare the model's responses to a set of high-quality reference answers.

    • Adjust and Improve: Continuously refine your prompts based on the evaluation to enhance performance.


Mark V. Smetanin image
Mark V. Smetanin
Product Portfolio Director@CHM inc.
E-commerce, AdTech, SalesFunnels, ShortTermRentals, Property Management, SAAS, Communication models, API, Payments, Fintech.
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